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Pitch&Putt Gualta par3 escola de golf Catalunya Spain
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❰ Featured News

Summer camp

Pitch&putt and padel

Casal POP de Gualta is back!

Tons of fun for children aged 6 to 12, who will learn cool sports such as pitch&putt and paddle. In addition, we will combine it with fun Ocitania activities such as laser combat, zip line....

And to refresh us, some day of water and pool games!

P of Pitch

O Ocitania

P of Padel

... POP! :-)

Basic information:

* Duration: From June 25th to August 30th. Registrations can be made for weeks or months. Those registered by month will have priority.

* Schedule:

From 09.00 to 13.00

From 09.00 to 15.00 (with lunch included)

* Ages: from 6 to 12 years.

* Prices:


*From  25.06 to 26.07: 309€ + Lunch: 209€ (*5 weeks starting on June)

From 3.07 to 28.07: 290€ + Lunch: 177€


From 31.07 to 25.08: 309€ - Comida: 209€


Single weeks:

Three weeks: 266€ - Lunch 144€

Single week: 116€ - Lunch: 62€

* Main sports activities: Pitch&Putt and Padel
* Complementary activities: Laser combat, zip line, excursions around the area, traditional and leisure games, swimming pool, water games and others.

Conctact information:

     Telephone: 972.76.03.38
     WhatsApp: 606.98.32.71

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